Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Puppies & Babies

Two things happened in Scottsdale that made me very happy.

1) In downtown Scottsdale there was a doggie boutique that had some doggies running around (owned by employees). Two were little yorkies, one of which was a tiny young yorkie. Now, I'm obsessed with Yorkies. VERY Obsessed, since probably second grade. I've never owned one, but hopefully will within the next few years! Anyway, I got to hold this Yorkie for a few minutes, snapped a picture with her. I really really really need that adorableness in my life! She was probably all of 3 lbs is my guess.
 Extra plus, Russ thought she was cute, even admitted he would want one. I asked him later that evening and he had this sheepish smile. I could tell he liked her but didn't really want to admit it! 

2) I got to hold/play with Russ' third cousin once removed! A 6month old named Alice. She was born 10 days before our wedding, causing her grandparents (my FIL's second cousin) to miss my wedding. Alice was the only baby at the wedding this past weekend and she did not make a peep! Then we expectantly went over little Alice's house Sunday to spend time with family (this wasn't even planned). That's when I got to hold her :-) she was adorable, so cute and funny!  No pics unfortunately. 

More about the wedding and the weekend later! 

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