Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First post

Introducing "Its a Dogs Life". No this is not going to be one of those blogs told from the point of view of my pet. Thank goodness for that.

 I used to blog about my wedding at Bide2B, but my wedding was 5 months and three days ago and I haven't really had much to say now that I'm not planning a wedding anymore. Planning a wedding takes up a heck of a lot of time. Since the wedding I started working full time so that's pretty much my life.

Besides that, right now my life revolves around my husband, our families, our friends, and our synagogue. I work at a dog kennel and I have been working towards a career working with dogs my whole entire life. So I spend most of my time around dogs or thinking about dogs. My husband and I own a nearly 6 year old Sheltie, Scout. We have become one of those crazy young couples that treat their dog like its their kid. Its gross, I'll admit it.

So, this is more of a "life" blog. I wont feel compelled to only right about wedding stuff. Yes, wedding may come up (going to one in Arizona in three weeks! yay!) but also married life, home stuff & decorating, Pinterest, Etsy, family, maybe kids one day, dogs and any other craziness that is my life.


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