Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Being Healthy

Mother in law: The best thing is to buy Halloween candy the day after when its on sale and save it for next year... its still good after a year!
My mom: If its still good after a year it has enough chemicals in it to keep it good for a year

Another topic I may occasionally cover is health. I'm 5 feet 2 inches and hovering around 100lbs. It's taken me the last two years just to gain 10 pounds. Gaining weight is a struggle for me *yes be jealous*.  So you would think I don't have much to worry about... just because I'm "small' doesn't mean I'm healthy.

I want to make a goal to eat better and become healthier. I want to not eat the rest of the halloween candy. I was almost considering hiding it from Russ (my husband) so that I could enjoy it for myself. How insane is that? What is wrong with me?

The ironic part is that I'm a dog food nut. I've learned so much having worked with other dog people. What most people feed their pets is disgusting. I feed Scout the highest quality kibble in the morning (Orijen) and commercially prepared raw food diet in the evenings. I'll discuss dog food a lot later.

Anyway I'm currently reading a book about dog food. Quality dog food. what is good what is bad, some stuff I already know other stuff I'm still earning about. I know that I don't want to feed Scout crap so I can't help but thinking what I'm eating is crap.

Now back to the quote at the top, I try to avoid foods with preservatives for Scout. My mom and mother in law are both chocolate lovers like me. So I was actually surprised when my mom pointed out that candy is actually a very highly processed man made food filled with preservatives and chemicals that make them good for a very very very long time.

I think I'm going to bring the bag of candy to work and put in the the bowl for the customers at the front desk. 

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