Tuesday, November 29, 2011

1/2 year!

Today I've been married 6 months!

Unfortunately today hasn't been the greatest day :-(

Nevertheless, here is a memento from my wedding. This is one of my favorite pictures from the day. It's from our first dance, my aunt took the photo. Even though the quality is poor something about that haziness makes it look magical to me.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Yes, I'm anti Cesar Milan... and proud of it!

As an aspiring dog trainer I've spent a lot of time studying dogs on my own. I've never had any formal training except animal first aid when it comes to anything I know that is dog related. Although, I've done obedience and trick classes with my dogs and have gone to 4H type seminars.

So, one thing I can tell you is that positive reinforcement is currently accepted as the best way to train a dog. Cesar Milan despite much criticism and outreach from the dog community, still uses dominance only methods when it comes to dog training. Like me he has had no formal training, but has failed to watch and learn what actually works.

Needless to say I really really hate Cesar Milan. Like really really really. This is probably the worst thing you could say about anybody... but I think I would be happy to hear that he is dead. And I never say that about anybody, I'm usually not like that. Although I would be more ecstatic to hear he has changed his ways. and I hate that he gets so much attention nationwide and around the world. He became such a celebrity that people actually listen to him.

The only theory that I agree with Cesar on is to be a "pack leader". But not in the way he means. Like Cesar, I find that a lot of people spoil their dogs and then complain about the dogs behavior. All they have to do is train the dog and not let it get away with bad behavior even if its "cute". Its that simple. If you want a dog take the time to train it to become a dog with good manners. Its really not that hard.

So, if you still think Cesar is great... check out these articles and videos.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Puppies & Babies

Two things happened in Scottsdale that made me very happy.

1) In downtown Scottsdale there was a doggie boutique that had some doggies running around (owned by employees). Two were little yorkies, one of which was a tiny young yorkie. Now, I'm obsessed with Yorkies. VERY Obsessed, since probably second grade. I've never owned one, but hopefully will within the next few years! Anyway, I got to hold this Yorkie for a few minutes, snapped a picture with her. I really really really need that adorableness in my life! She was probably all of 3 lbs is my guess.
 Extra plus, Russ thought she was cute, even admitted he would want one. I asked him later that evening and he had this sheepish smile. I could tell he liked her but didn't really want to admit it! 

2) I got to hold/play with Russ' third cousin once removed! A 6month old named Alice. She was born 10 days before our wedding, causing her grandparents (my FIL's second cousin) to miss my wedding. Alice was the only baby at the wedding this past weekend and she did not make a peep! Then we expectantly went over little Alice's house Sunday to spend time with family (this wasn't even planned). That's when I got to hold her :-) she was adorable, so cute and funny!  No pics unfortunately. 

More about the wedding and the weekend later! 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Arizona here I come!

Friday morning Russ and I are leaving for Scottsdale! I'm unusually excited for this trip. Its only for the weekend but I just really feel like I need a vacation right now. This will be the 5th wedding I've ever been too (including mine ha!) with the first one being only a little over 2 years ago.

This will also be the first trip we are taking with his parents. Which is not exactly something I'm looking forward to ;-) When I got home from work today Russ had picked up our official wedding portrait and told me something that I did not want to hear which made me very mad at his mom. Luckily, it was just a misunderstanding... otherwise this trip could have been a LOT worse. oy vey!

Anybody know what there is to do/see in Scottsdale/Phoenix?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I've lost it


For some weird reason I'm obsessed with vases.When we lived in a high rise in a different city we had space above the kitchen cabinets. I used a bunch of vases to decorate the space. I don't think I have pictures of it but it looked pretty darn cute.

So when I saw a Pinterest DIY project with vases I knew I had to do it. Its from the blog Sugar and Charm (http://www.sugarandcharmblog.com/2011/01/easy-and-beautiful-enamel-painted-vases.html)

You start with buying these paints...

Which I chose like 6 different colors plus the surface thingy and the afterwards glaze thingy. 
Then you paint em...

so it looks like the vases are solid colors rather then clear glass! 

then you make a pretty wall like this...

So I spent like over $40 on paints and another $12 on a few more pretty vases from Savers. My existing clear ones are small and boring. Though I didn't expect to spend to much on this project. Hence the fact that I've clearly lost my mind. 

Furthermore I have no bookshelves or wall or really any place to put them. 

Nevertheless when hubby goes to work tonight I'm going to try my hand at this project. If it doesn't work I'll just return some of the paints. Which i might do anyway because like the pic above using two colors will look better than a gazillion. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I really need to not watch Phantom Gourmet.

After today's episode on bakeries I have a list of at least four places I need to go try. Kill me now.

Have to save the trip for another time. Today will be Indian food for lunch with my father and possibly spinach lasagna for dinner with our Rabbi.

And on another note... I enjoyed sleeping in today. The time change didn't make much of a difference for me because sleeping for nine hours solely because I didn't have to get up at 5:20am for work is what counts!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Happy Bark Mitzvah Shira!

Having dinner now and heading to synagogue to attend my first "Bark Mitzvah".... sort of.

My wedding DJ also dj'd for every Bar and Bat Mitzvah in my extended family. He became a family friend and I saw him at friend's events too. He also happens to be a member of our synagogue, we see him regularly and his mother thinks of us as her grandchildren. Her only actual grandchild is the DJ's 13 year old Shih Tzu/ Pekingese mix named Shira (Hebrew for song). Even though Shira cant even be there, the DJ's mother is sponsoring a kiddush (light refreshments) in Shira's honor. How cute is that? 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Holiday wish list

For probably the last 6 years I've only had and used Laurel Burch tote bags as an everyday purse. Just saw this one for only 23.99 on Jo-Ann Fabric's website

love! need! 
Hanukkah is around the corner...

finally comfortable!

Russ and I recently bought a new couch. We picked it up yesterday! We had been sitting on futons for the past three years. We decided on a little love seat so that we'd gain more space in our living room (and unfortunately loose a bit of seating and guest accommodations).

We're still working on getting it to match the room a littler more. I might be changing the other futon to the cover from the old futon (which is now in my in-laws basement). The other cover is more colorful and I bought pillows from Etsy to match it. 

I think I'm going to downstairs now and watch TV while sitting on my couch! love love love!
oh and btw both seats are recliners! 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Being Healthy

Mother in law: The best thing is to buy Halloween candy the day after when its on sale and save it for next year... its still good after a year!
My mom: If its still good after a year it has enough chemicals in it to keep it good for a year

Another topic I may occasionally cover is health. I'm 5 feet 2 inches and hovering around 100lbs. It's taken me the last two years just to gain 10 pounds. Gaining weight is a struggle for me *yes be jealous*.  So you would think I don't have much to worry about... just because I'm "small' doesn't mean I'm healthy.

I want to make a goal to eat better and become healthier. I want to not eat the rest of the halloween candy. I was almost considering hiding it from Russ (my husband) so that I could enjoy it for myself. How insane is that? What is wrong with me?

The ironic part is that I'm a dog food nut. I've learned so much having worked with other dog people. What most people feed their pets is disgusting. I feed Scout the highest quality kibble in the morning (Orijen) and commercially prepared raw food diet in the evenings. I'll discuss dog food a lot later.

Anyway I'm currently reading a book about dog food. Quality dog food. what is good what is bad, some stuff I already know other stuff I'm still earning about. I know that I don't want to feed Scout crap so I can't help but thinking what I'm eating is crap.

Now back to the quote at the top, I try to avoid foods with preservatives for Scout. My mom and mother in law are both chocolate lovers like me. So I was actually surprised when my mom pointed out that candy is actually a very highly processed man made food filled with preservatives and chemicals that make them good for a very very very long time.

I think I'm going to bring the bag of candy to work and put in the the bowl for the customers at the front desk. 

First post

Introducing "Its a Dogs Life". No this is not going to be one of those blogs told from the point of view of my pet. Thank goodness for that.

 I used to blog about my wedding at Bide2B, but my wedding was 5 months and three days ago and I haven't really had much to say now that I'm not planning a wedding anymore. Planning a wedding takes up a heck of a lot of time. Since the wedding I started working full time so that's pretty much my life.

Besides that, right now my life revolves around my husband, our families, our friends, and our synagogue. I work at a dog kennel and I have been working towards a career working with dogs my whole entire life. So I spend most of my time around dogs or thinking about dogs. My husband and I own a nearly 6 year old Sheltie, Scout. We have become one of those crazy young couples that treat their dog like its their kid. Its gross, I'll admit it.

So, this is more of a "life" blog. I wont feel compelled to only right about wedding stuff. Yes, wedding may come up (going to one in Arizona in three weeks! yay!) but also married life, home stuff & decorating, Pinterest, Etsy, family, maybe kids one day, dogs and any other craziness that is my life.
