Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Holiday Update

I'm sure its been a crazy week for most everybody and it certainly was in my household too!

Being that I don't celebrate Christmas, I worked on Christmas eve and Christmas day. Because I had to work Christmas eve I missed my mom's Chanukah party, but I was able to make it to an Iron Chef Latke competition at our synagogue! Russ and I got asked to go out for drinks afterwards with our young adult group but had to decline because I was tired and had to get up to work on Christmas day.

Christmas day was fine.. I work a total of 8 hours split into two shifts. While I worked the second shift Russ and our families went out to see Sherlock homes. After I was done I met up with them for Chinese food and then everyone came back to our place to open Chanukah presents and have dessert.

Monday, despite being asked to go into work (I declined) Russ and I had tickets to go to the Boston Aquarium. Yesterday was our 4th anniversary (of being together). Four years ago we went to the aquarium together, then out to dinner  and then had ice cream later. In between dinner and dessert that day he asked me if I liked him and by the time he dropped my off at my parents house I agreed to go out with him.

We wanted to recreate that day since we hadn't been to the (Boston) aquarium in those four yeas! But the same restaurant is closed mondays :-(  I think I might convince him to go there tonight.

So we celebrated our Anniversary and Hanukah combined when it came to gifts... Russ gave me a new watch  and I gave him some puzzles and a Star Trek poster. My parents and sisters gave me a cell phone pouch, a book, yak traks, toe warmers, new hat & mittens. Russ parents gave us a blanket and pizza cutter shaped like the enterprise! I think there was a theme this year to cure me of constantly being cold!

New years is just around the corner! And we have the evening planned to have friends over which I'm really looking forward to. Plus I don't have to work Saturday or Sunday! 

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