Saturday, February 11, 2012

With the winnings...

My May"11 wedding board recently had a post about what you would do if you won the lottery. Since I don't post there I thought I'd think off all the things and write it here

1)Buy a Yorkie and another Sheltie
2)Buy a house
3)Pay off my student loan debt
4) Pay for both my sister's educations
5) donate enough $ to my College Hillel so they could survive
6) donate enough $ to our temple so that our cantor can keep his job
7) donate $ to tons of animal shelters and Jewish organizations
8) quit my job
9) spend all my time volunteering
10) have 2 of my own kids then adopt a third
11) give our parents a huge chunk in return for everything they've done for us
12) buy a new car (my car is like 9 years old already)
13) travel the world with my hubby
14) send our kids to private Jewish schools
15) maybe pay for my cousins educations and give my bum uncle a house and car
16) get my masters in canine sciences


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