Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Broken Hearts

Ever have something bad or weird happen and you wonder if its an omen or just coincidence?

Last month Hubby and I have been dealing with the death of his maternal grandmother. Even though she was in the hospital her death came as quite the shock. However this story is not just a story of her life or death, I will tell the story of the broken hearts.

1) Hubby's grandmother went to the hospital for a surgery to that would increase the circulation in her leg. She was 87 years old. Despite getting many doctors opinions and having tests done to make sure she was o.k. for the surgery, after the surgery was done they somehow found that she had congestive heart failure. Her heart had been working at only 10% of capacity for probably at least 6 months. She was not strong enough for any rehabilitation after the surgery. Just a few days after they found out about her heart she passed away (Wednesday, August 8th). Her heart just gave out. Hubby had visited her in the hospital just a few days before and was able to bring Scout into the hospital to visit her (she absolutely adored Scout, called him her grandson) .

2) Hubby and I packed up Saturday August 11th for the funeral which was held Sunday the 12th. Saturday night when we arrived there I was in the den of his grandmother's house reading when hubby asked me what I had inside a ring box visible in my luggage. I brought with us a necklace that I was intending to wear the next day at her funeral.
Now, some back story... Hubby's grandfather used to always find heart shaped objects to give to his wife. Hubby, unintentionally has done the same thing for me. He always buys me heart shaped charms since our first (dating) anniversary. I wear them all together on a necklace everyday.
 As a kid hubby always admired a heart shaped necklace of his grandmother's because it had gold flakes inside of it and he thought his grandma was rich! His grandmother gave him the necklace before our wedding day and he gave it to me as his wedding present to me.
This was the necklace that I brought to wear to his grandmother's funeral, because it had such a special meaning. Hubby sees the box and sees the necklace inside and takes the necklace. He was so happy to see that I brought it that he ran into the kitchen to show his mother. His mother open the box and the necklace slides right out and falls down to the tile floor. The tip of it cracks open and the oil and gold inside leak out. I heard this happen from the other room and sat frozen in the den not knowing how to react.
My poor husband was absolutely heart broken and my mother in law felt awful. The next day I wore some other jewelry to the funeral instead of the heart necklace. We went to the jeweler that had fixed up my ring and they said their was no way to fix it, they could only put the gold flakes into some new pendant.

3)We returned back home very very late Wednesday night. On Friday we get a phone call saying my hubby's aunt (his mother's only sibling) was in the hospital. She had chest pains and was taken to the ER. Her heart actually stopped and they had to revive her. She had surgery for a pacemaker the next day. She's only 56 and there is nothing physically wrong with her heart, it seemed to be electrical in nature and I believe most likely caused by the stress of the last week. Luckily she is now doing ok and is back to normal.

So, this is how 3 hearts broke in 1 week. While loosing a necklace is nothing like loosing a grandmother and almost loosing an aunt, the coincidence is just weird. 

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