Thursday, January 14, 2016

I don't even know when the last time I wrote anything on this blog was. I don't put pressure on myself to blog. Though I feel the urge to write again and I think it is because I'm not quite sure where my life is going at this point. I do feel like I have something to say, but no audience.

 I feel like the people don't listen to me. I know a decent amount about dogs... but the people who are experts know more than me, have a better educational background in the subject and can just articulate themselves better than I can. I read all these articles on dog behavior and training and it's like reading something that I could have come up with myself... I just don't have the actual capacity to do it.

Anyway, I just left my job of 3.5 years as a manager of a unique dog daycare. It was with out a doubt the best experience of my life. I learned so much and met some great people along the way. The only real reason I left was because of how stressed I became from being solely responsible for everything at this business. I also felt trapped... I could have easily spent a decade there and be doing the exact same thing... there was no where to promote me to, I was already at the top.

I feel like I came so far since graduating college. That year (2011) alone I had worked at 4 doggie daycares... making between 8.25-10/hr. The jobs were mostly cleaning kennels/ supervising a room full of dogs type of work. Its not glamorous. It doesn't take a rocket scientist. I even managed to screw a few of them up. Landing my last job was a blessing. It was great. I was doing exactly what I had gone to college for... business management. In my dream field... dogs. I was also making twice as much as I had before.

So back in August I got a new job that I started part time while still working full time. I waited until October to tell my boss. I started training my replacement in December. I finally had my last day January 8th... They threw me a party, my boss gave me a holiday tip.... and then also a thank you bonus.

I'm 4 days into my new job and I know already i'm going to need to find something else. I'm doing data entry for an online retailer. I get paid by how much work I get done. The real reason I took it was because I can work from home... I'm getting as much done each day as I thought I would. I should give myself a break... its only been 4 days.

Taking this job in order to leave my last one was a good idea. It was flexible, It was easy. I can work from home. I can take the time to figure out what I want to do with my life.

I'm thinking really hard about that. I'd love to really be in business for myself. To be making phone calls all day, meeting people, traveling, talking about things I love, Doing things I love. Having a future. Having a career. Having goals.

I want to talk about dogs. I want to train dogs. I want people to know how much I really do know about dogs. I want them to listen to me.

None of my closest friends have dogs. They don't care about what I know,. They couldn't refer me to some magical job that would fit my career goals.

I do dog sports. I'm shy. I'm awkward. I don't talk to anyone much. They don't know me well enough to refer me to some magical job that would fit my career goals.

Before I left my last job I was offered a position managing a different unique dog daycare. I feel good about being given that opportunity. I got it because I did have "connections". I turned it down because again I would be stressed and I'd be working even longer hours. I think I would have made more money. The owner then sold the business. The timing was probably bad anyways. I could have been screwed if I had taken it.

What do I do?